Kevin's Blog


I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me This When I Started My Business in 2015

November 21, 20221 min read

Ready To Hire?

Business is struggling with sales? This is gonna help you close six figures in the next 90 days.

What you're gonna wanna do is hire two appointment set and two sales closers. Those people are gonna be on commission only, and so what you wanna do is go to CommissionCrowd.com it's an amazing site where you can recruit commission only sales professionals.

You're gonna have them start reaching out to new prospects, your ideal customer with a personalized note on LinkedIn, nurture them and close them on the phone.

To find other like-minded individuals check out our All Virtual Wealth Builder Facebook Group.

Check us out: https://allapproach.com/

I Help B2B Businesses & Professionals Grow Their Network On LinkedIn via Personalized Cold Outreach | 12X Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor

Kevin Marcus Miller

I Help B2B Businesses & Professionals Grow Their Network On LinkedIn via Personalized Cold Outreach | 12X Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivor

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