One change that you should be making now, and one that is overlooked is the date next to your copyright on both the footer of your pages and on the copyright page itself.
You will be surprised at just how many sites forget about this copyright date each year. In this blog I am going to teach you how to automate your copyright code updates with one simple code you will attach to your HTML.
Why Is Copyright Important For Websites?
Often times websites that we visit will have a copyright notice embedded usually into the footer of each page. All this simply does is it protects your rights as the owner of any content, logos, images and pretty much anything else that can be found on your site.
Content theft is common and all to easy on the Internet, by copywriting your property you are giving yourself a certain level of protection. If you see someone directly coping your content for their own personal gain you can peruse that legally.
Most businesses will have just a copyright page on their site that their visitors can look over. Most of the time you'll find the copyright in the footer.
Anything that you write about on your website is instantly copyrighted as you created the content. However there are still reasons you should keep it updated. Most are to do with visitor trust.
If you are a visitor on a site you will notice the layout of the website. Which can generally tell you how relatively new or updated the website is. It is imperative to build trust with your potential audience so your website needs to be top-notch.
Build Trust – Will happen when your website is accurate and has up to date information on it.
You Care – Showing the copyright year will help your audience know that you care. Even about the little details.
While it seems like a pretty easy task, if you have a large website with multiple pages this can be a daunting task. Luckily using this simple code and attaching it to where your websites year is supposed to go will allow you to automate this every year.
Copy this code: {{right_now.year}} © "your businesses name"
Paste it to the copyright section in your HTML. Some builders allow you to actually paste it into the copy on the footer.
Publish your site
Verify your changes and you are good to go
Now you are set for 2024 and beyond!
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